

AFTER“I am a stay at home mother of two, Vice President of their School PTO, tennis player and wife. My days are full running from here to there.

I have always been active but never seeing the results. I never knew what my full potential was. Running 2 miles was difficult. The trainers at New Dorp Fitness pushed me to my full extent. Now I can run 6 miles with no problem!

The one noticeable difference is the way everyone cares. They (New Dorp Fitness Staff) really care about how you are doing. Other places just go through the routine and take their money, but not this Club. It feels like a family. All the trainers have done their part to help me. They are always there when I need them.

I could never have done this by myself. I reached my first goal with no problems and I am slowly working on my next one. They have paved the path and now it is up to me. But knowing they are standing behind me, pushing me, I know I will succeed with meeting my new goal!”